Donations & Support

Father Dickson Cemetery thrives today as a direct result of donations from our community of friends and family members. Your financial support helps to pay for mowing, utilities and maintenance of tools and equipment.

The Cemetery is a 501(c)(13) organization with contributions for maintenance being fully tax deductible. The Friends of Father Dickson Cemetery gratefully accepts donations on behalf of the Cemetery. Per the U.S. Internal Revenue Service code, the tax-exempt EIN is 43-1492962.

Donations via check can be mailed to the following address:

Friends of Father Dickson Cemetery

PO Box 220612

St. Louis, MO. 63122

Donations can also be made using Zelle to phone number 314-822-8221.

Or online using the DONATE NOW button or QR Code (powered by PayPal).

Thank you for your support!

Prayer of The Friends of Father Dickson

Bless, we beseech Thee, O God, the work of this group to restore Father Dickson Cemetery. Grant to these people clarity of thought, evenness of temper, and willingness to persevere in this service. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen

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